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09.04.2016 19:16 - POLITICAL MODEL of the MAFIA- examples in BG,Euripean UNION, etc.
Àâòîð: lordmdobrev Êàòåãîðèÿ: Ëè÷íè äíåâíèöè   
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Review The Momtchil Dobrev’s “Model of the political  mafia” in the world based on the M.Dobrev’s “ Theory of the Mafia” and M.Dobrev” “Theory of degree of  trust”- risk for the world economy and the business

Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev1 and Lady Prof. PhD Mariola Garibova2 1Scientific Research Institute Dobrev & Halachev JSC. Bulgaria, Sofia Email: lordprmdobrev@gmail.com 2Scientific Research Institute Dobrev & Halachev JSC. Bulgaria, Sofia Accepted 14 March 2016 The developed by Lord Prof. PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev “Theory of corruption” and “ Theory of the mafia” and its appearances – unstability factor in the social systems. In the paper is described the developed from Prof. Moomtchil Dobrev theory of mafia and developed Political model of the mafia. Keywords: model, mafia, degree of trust, society INTRODUCTION In this paper are described developed by Lord Prof. PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev “ Political model of the Mafia”, “ Theory of the mafia” and “ Theory of the degree of trust”. In the paper are related the connections between the political model of mafia with the Theory of the mafia and the Theory of the degree of trust. For the development of the all social society on our planet are important members and relations between them on the basis of transparenst, legitimacy, trust, without elements of corruption and mafia on all the stages of the society. Model of Political Mafia The foundation of this operating model of political mafia are the following principle: Appointed by the mafia that controls a state, ministers, civil servants and others who h ave data and evidence of wrongdoing in their field of work, crimes in which they have passed each other and one of the mafia has helped them to pass. These are different cases such as gross violations of tax legislation - tax evasion, concealment of profits, tax evasion, and others - ie held by the officers of the NRA and accordingly entered into force the decisions of the NRA, which crimes in the penal code - various offenses under the Criminal Code under which the pre-trial proceedings were disco ntinued. Hidden sexual orientation - Family with children with hidden sexual orientation. Political mafia based on just these basic as understanding is the following: - I have appointed and appoint thy family, thy people in state structures - Preparation of contracts from the eligibility of candidates and requirements of the candidates so close candidate of the party man, to win the contract. - Preparing the procurement of the conditions, so that only candidate middle party man to win this contest, auction or other contract. 
Political mafia mainly adopt such laws that they do not pursue relevant leaders of state structures, institutions and others. 066 Glo. Adv. Res. J. Manage. Bus. Stud.
  This is the guarantee of the political mafia. It creates laws to make laws violations and their crimes. To legitimize their crimes, and no problems with the justice system - the courts, prosecution, it should political mafia to appoint their relatives Chief Prosecutor for prosecutors at all levels and in all offices across the country. Political mafia appointed to positions of responsibility in the judiciary and judges loved ones to party mafia leadership positions. Of leadership positions in the  courts - the final authority appointed people close to political mafia. This avoids any complaints of crimes committed by people of political mafia in the entire state. It is done at all levels of prosecution. Expressly legislate to not pursue committed by prosecutors and judges crimes mentioned in the constitution if Republic accepted that members not to pursue the commission of offenses by judges and prosecutors. This legitimized lawlessness, corruption, mafia. In the judiciary are appointed judges to serve only orders to give a judgment in favor of our person, our company. By the court and the prosecution is actually legitimize the theft of factories, c ompanies. By the court and the prosecution is done so that the right people, the right companies mafia in the lists of creditors are claimants and others. By b eing anywhere any law of a company or person can not lead a lawsuit against prosecution for its inaction on the reluctance to reveal crimes committed by notaries, the Judges prosecutors? By being anywhere law a company or person can not lead a lawsuit against prosecution for its inaction on the reluctance to reveal crimes committed by notaries, the Judges prosecutors of companies close to the mafia who steal targets companies with assets worth billions . Securing political mafia monetary and financial resources - These financial resources are provided at the state level as these resources are secured by funds of the European Commission and the European Union.I.e. financial resources go to projects that are earned only by the relatives of mafia structures - companies, corporate structures, corporate corporationconsortia. Political mafia states only funds from the European Union programs, which will be distributed to nearby Mafia companies and organizations. Other tools and programmers say. Once mafia provide "legitimacy" in action on a theft of funds, companies and others. Political mafia provides adopt such laws by which to prosecute individuals or companies who "jump" against this mafia and these crimes. This is done by pressure from internal services - police, agents, government officials and officials of the National Revenue Agency, tax offices, municipal offices. Accepted such laws if there is an order from the Mafia to tax and other authorities, including police, the individual can not complained of any institution, structure and you state institutions. Just political mafia secures not only institutions, government, municipal racketeering and extortion, pressure, squeezing, extortion of embarrassing, but persecution by such institutions only and only to be withdrawn illegally ownership of honest people and companies.Political mafia works with financial institutions - banks, insurance companies, pension funds and others. There are also laws that serve the interests of these financial behemoths - banks, insurance companies, agencies, tax authorities and others. Through these financial institutions and laws to be adopted in their favor, using even the structure of enforcement, thus stealing property owned - companies, factories and others on the "inconvenient" individuals and companies.  Which does not enter and is not willing to give and transfer property ownership, he is pursued by illegal means as political mafia use any structures -prokurori to raise absurd accusations that prosecutors themselves to commit crimes against civilians just to perform the contract Mafia. If the IRS can not achieve this pressure and racketeering, which lead to a positive result of the mafia, which through racketeering and extortion to perform the contract, it includes not only prosecutors to raise illegal and absurd accusations in making overt crimes .  In extreme cases are activated state structures - police and specific individuals to perform the contract -the murder of the "inconvenient" individuals. To ensure conceal the actions of the mob that is secured in addition to laws and institutions, and employees in all institution should - or state court, but they provide and their possession and control of the media. The Momtchil Dobrev’s “Theory of the Mafia” In this part we will consider the basic elements, the relationships in the theory of mafia seen in the last 20 years in the experience of the author – Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev. The described below is the short description of the theory of the mafia the vision of the author for creating the theory of the mafia , its building and life. Behind the basic elements of the theory of the mafia are described also concrete appearances Elements of the Theory of the mafia are the following: 
1/. Structure of the mafia. It includes structures that they depends of the formula of the mafia: 2/. Structural subordination. This is available also for the outside structure most described as organizational criminal group, also for the inside structure – this is a structure of state power, executive power , justice power.. This subordination is boss – employment. The hierarhie is strong and the obligations are executed from the top to the bottom, without comments. 3/. Functional subordination. This type of subordination of members, and others is valid also for the inside structures - the structures in the state, justice and etc. Also for the outside structure – mostly in mafia structures.The structures of the mafia are: outside structure – for the criminal groups , and inside structures – for the state , justice, execution power. 4/. Connections. There are some types of connections between these structures – the inside and the outside whioch are the structures of the mafia.Connections between outside structures. Connections between inside structures. Connections between inside and outside structures. 5/. The availability of the mafia action is the condition of availability of ORDER/ The order will be executed based on: 5.1./ subordinations – structural and functional. 5.2/. on benefit cooperation * inside and outside/. 6/. Types of the mafia: inside juridical mafia, inside prosecutor mafia, mafia in the state, mafia in the municipilities, outside prosecutor mafia, outside juridical mafia, outside state mafia. There are procedures of taking in law orders of the mafia in the court, prosecutor office, state and etc. Formula of the mafia The most simple model of the mafia which describes the factors which influence about the amount, type, and etc, of the mafia is the following:
 Mafia = Power /state and etc./ + Influence + Connections + Interests + Order/orders + Mafia structure/ inside or outside/ + Monopolity Riegths+ laws/ rules/ practices/procedures + possibility of taking an alternative decision – obligation – responsibilities – morality/ethics. The mafia is available also for the public and private sector. The interconnections between the different structures are based of the connections and contacts of friendly or subordinary niveau between different structures. 
The Mafia process Is the interaction the presence of order between the members of the inside structure and group – this is indicated as criminal group , outside structure and members – representatives of inside structuree – for example state structure or member of the state structure – from the state power, juridical power and etc. All the participant are interested of the execution of “ the order”. The mafia medium is characterized with concrete granted possibilities,l which are given ultimately is set from the laws, the powers, the rights , obligations of the state member or the representative of the justice and the member of the outside structure. Dobrev and Garibova, 67 The mafia medium is activated by availability of order of members of the outside strucuture to the member or members of the inside structures when we talk about the mafia in the state. The mafia medium is activated when is available order from member or members of outside structure for activities depending other outside structure and their members when we talk about mafia or criminal group. The mafia medium depends of the availibiilty of rich choice of alternative solution, the presence of possibilities of choice of concrete solution, availability of disadvantages in laws, practices, procedures, availibilty of different interpretation of concrete problem situation. The mafia action is the execution of the order of the outside structure to the inside structure or the execution of the order of member of the inside structure from other member of the inside structure. The execution of the order seems concrete wished result of the interested person =  The motivation of the mafia behaviour is also the execution of the functional subordination and the structural subordination with the purpose of benefits such as material and non-materi al benefits. The motives of the mafia behavior of member of members of the state sector – such as juridical , state , and etc. sector is based of the wishes of prosperity in the structure, the money and also in the functional level also in the material level. These motives are supported from some conditions for the personal public sector as massiveness of corruption practices, corruption procedures, absence of legal channels for material and non-material prosperity, impunity of intruder, possibilities for alternative solutions, fear, concrete pressure and etc. Some of the typical motives are: - realization of  benefits for each economic operation for each members of the action, realization of personal material benefits / for the magistrates , prosecutors, evidence of responsibilities, using of inaccuracy in the judge practice. The mafia price is the material or non-material benefits of members of the above mentioned structures. Here is the connection between the mafia and the corruption.
  SPHERE SPREAD OF THE MAFIA The mafia can be find in all the spheres of the public live.Sphere of appearances of the mafia: 1/. In the state administration.,2/. In the politics., 3/. In the justice system , 4/. In the police, prosecutor,5/. In the public services., 6/. In the private sector , 7/. In the TV, radio, television, newspaper, and etc., 8/. In the citizen sector.068 Glo. Adv. Res. J. Manage. Bus. Stud.
  Basic principles of the world economy and the theory of degree of trust in all the social fields The world economy requires parallel unity of competition and cooperation between the companies. The companies in the globalization should create , build and make advantages. The companies should influence the structure of the industry and to restructuring it. Most important is the operative efficiency and the high degree of trust to the clients to   the products and services. The operative efficiency means improve the efficiency of the operatined made by the companies. The standarts in the business are going higher and higher , the companies are closer to each other in the quality of the offered products. Therefore the benefit strategy is to be different to other companies and “to make it different”.[6]  1.Technologies and innovations, the knowledge management and the degree of trust – the new paradigm – toward to the economy of degree of trust The World economy and the economic world lays and requires the development of the innovations. The innovations in the marketing process are the competative advantages of the appropriate company, nation and ect. The innovation strategy in the marketing process should be researched. The innovation in the marketing should be a step before the competition. The development of the technologies requires the choice of a right innovation strategy of using the innovations. Therefore the companies should use the technology that give an advantage for the competition. The knowledge and the management of the innovation is the most sustainable component of the development of a company. Japan is an example for that. The future will be assign of the new paradigm – management of knowledge, net structure, dimensions of the company , degree of trust to the offered products, given strategy in the global net in the marketing process [6]. 2. The small companies and their power “ think locally, act global, increase the scale, increase the degree of trust” in the business The competitive advantage in the marketing process and in the marketing tactics expresses in the speedy of action. The speedy of using the innovations in the right time in the right definitive market give competitive advantage. Who will cause the speedy action? These are the small structures, the small companies. The small companies are these which create the movement and the development in the global economy. The small companies are the source of globallity, of the prosperity. The most important criteria of the prosperity of a company is its dimension in the global net. Those companies that can secure their dimension in the world net they will be sources of the competitive adventage. In this moment 50 percent of the American export is made from companies with personal to 20 employeers. Alone the creating the dimension and increasing the dimension of the company in the global net is not enough to the success of each company. The company shall find the way to increase , to develop, to manage the degree of trust to the company and to the offered products from the company from the customers. Je most big is the dimension of the company in the global net so much is its competitive advant age to the competitors of the company.
  3. The cooperation and the competition of the world economy and the degree of trust The World Economic inflict fierce resistance and competition. It is caused from the new rules, new possibilities created by the global net, new marketing tactics and marketingstrategies.The global net inflicts and creation of new system for management of the [ 7]. The role of the Europa will be bigger and bigger. The role of the Europa companies in the field of innovations and new technologies will increase. From other size the principle of cooperation will increase between the companies. To the competition between the companies the cooperation between the companies will increase. There are many proofs of such cooperation between competitive companies. But whose manage the degree of trust to the customers in the process of increasing, managing of the degree of trust will be the leader in the position and in the dimension of the market part. 
  4. The new and the old industries in the integration process in the wolrd and the degree of trust to them The industries which will assign the development of 21 century are the following seven industries: microelectronics and micro-mechanics, biotechnology, production of new materials, telecommunication, robotics, computers and the software, such as the aviation and the high speed trains. We should mention also these industries that shall develop as the new energy sources, the energy from vacuum, the energy from anti-gravitation, energy from torsion fields, the energy from machivics [8]. The management of knowledge, generation of new knowledge, increasing the quality of the knowledge will cause the high effectiveness of the new industries. Behind the new industries the using of the new products is not possible without the increasing of the degree of trust to the products to the customers. 

The Theory of Degree of Trust 
The Momtchil Dobrev’s theory of degree of trust is the new paradigm in the economic science and therefore in the practice in the economic world. The degree of trust is the most important thing in the human relationships. And since it is an universal qualitative category of his, how far the elements in a system act in one direction, under one reasonable content. The degree of trust is the most important thing also for the interrelations consumer-product. This is a leading start in the behavior of the consumer towards an eventual purchase of the product.The degree of trust is important for: the family interrelations, the interpersonal relations, the relations between the staff of a company, the official relations, the economic relations, the social relations and the political relations, the relations customer-seller, the relations investor-party, the relations productcustomer, the relations producer-dealer, the relation dealer to dealer and etc. Along with the notion “necessity” and/or “need” in all of the analyses in the microeconomics the notion “degree of trust” however is to be also include, because the relations product-consumer are not unidirectional. Not available is not only the direction from the consumer towards the product of every suppositions listed above. Available is also the direction from the product to the consumer, from the popularity of the product in the consumer, whether the customer has used it, whether he had received information on its usefulness by third persons, whether he had received information on this whether the product is of better quality and effectiveness compared with the same ones or the similar ones of the rivals. This information may be included only by means of the notion “degree of trust” and the mechanism “theory of the degree of trust”. Only the notion “degree of trust” determines the quality category of the reaction, the result, the relation of the product towards the consumer. In some interrelations the direction of influence is available both from one party to the other, as well by the second to the first one. According to a theory of the cardinal usefulness, the welfare usefulness may be quantitatively measured. On the other hand the ordinal school supposes that the usefulness is not quantitatively measurable, but it possesses a degree of comparison.All these preferences do not analyze and do not take into consideration the degree of trust of the consumer, when he had already used the product at least once and his relation to it or his expec ted degree of trust to a product not yet used, when advertising information or the degree of trust t the product expected is available – when the latter has been recommended by a consumer having used it already. Here come also the respective decisions. If the recommendation has been made by a friend, by a close person, by a person met by chance, i.e. another consumer or by a consumer to whom our person is hostile. The degree of trust represents the feed back of the consumer’s contact with the product, the result of their interaction and its interrelations. This is due both to the direct feed back, when the consumer has already used this product, or indirect feed back, when the consumer receives the opinion, the standpoint of a third person about the concrete product. Depending on the degree of trust to the third person a definite degree of trust is transferred hypothetically by the third person to the Dobrev and Garibova, 69 customer in question. The degree of trust reflects the result of satisfaction of the customer’s needs at his interaction with the concrete product. It has to be noted that only the needs but also the degree of trust has the became a base of the motivation theories. The motivation theories have to be supplemented by the affects of the theory of degree of trust.To every need available the respective trust of the buyer to the concrete product has to be considered. If according to the Murray’s theory (Dobrev, 2012) every need is characterize by two parameters – direction and strength, the strengths may be measured with the “degree of trust” to the respective product. The Momtchil Dobrev’s degree of trust must be included in an enlargement of the Maslow’s design (Dobrev, 2011). The needs are changing and depend on the “degree of trust” to the concrete product of need. A better design of behavior of the people at their actions will be made in this way. In the fairness theory the perception of the justice may be replaced very well by the “degree of trust” which notion reflects qualitatively better the relations between people. The Momtchil Dobrev’s theory of the trust is the corner stone being able to unite the fairness theory of J.Sm.Adams (Dobrev, 2011) and the Expectation theory according to Victor Broom. The degree of trust is this which as able and which define s best the concrete expectation of the people for the result or of this how far will be fulfilled the aims and how attractive will be the result itself for the man (Dobrev and Garibova, 2012). The degree of trust is a dynamic process, a phenomenon, a system, an information mediator between the different objects either man-man or manproduct. We won’t treat the trust as a process, the degree of trust as a system, the degree of trust as a psychological notion, the cognition side of the trust, because this is not the purpose of this statement. According to the explanatory dictionary the trust is in force mainly for the people, it is in force also for the animals. The trust is a qualitative and quantitative category also for the interrelations consumer – product. The Law of Degree of Trust says: The degree of trust is a dynamic, an quantitative system, a process, which is measurable , of which depends the behavior between the subjects, either juridical or physical persons, as well in between as in the interrelations with different products , goods, services and etc., of which the demand of concrete product and services , of a defined contact depends. (Dobrev, 2013). The degree of trust depends on the setting of goals, attitudes, behaviour, motivations, needs, achievements, dissonance, cognition, emotion, intelligence, accumulation of knowledge, experience, tuning, thoughts, prejudices, stereotypes, practical experience, indirect expiriences, imaginary experience, persuasion, attitudes, self-assessment, , bias, belief, understanding, protection, barriers, crises, happiness, attraction, fear, adoption of objective reality, acceptance of facts, 070 Glo. Adv. Res. J. Manage. Bus. Stud. acceptance of relations, circumstances, collisions, broken promises and etc. Between two systems exists also a concrete behavior , on the base and depending on the degree of trust. Under systems we understand physical, juridical persons, a group of people, subjects, products, goods, services. Quantified methods to rise the trust between two systems exist, also concrete measures and instruments to reach it. Mathematical dependency exist for this: how many time and means and respective behavior have to be spent in one hand by the systems, in order to return a definite degree of trust between two systems, to reach some value of the degree of trust. Concrete about the sales different subjects do on the market, exist a system to rise the trust in every stage, measures to rise the trust, measures to lower the trust, instruments to measure the trust, measures to rise the trust in the sales, measures to rise the trust to concrete products in the product policy, measures to rise the trust in the sale policy, measures to rise the trust in the prices of concrete products in the price policy of the company, measures to rise the trust in the communication policy. Momtchil Dobrev has developed a complete theory for the degree of trust bent through different priorities of the different types of logic – modal, probable. The apparatus of the theory for the degree of trust has been treated depending on the theory of the opportunities, the theory of the probabilities, the theory of the modality, theory of the conflicts and accidents, the theory of the self-organization, the theory of the  motives and motivation.Further down shall be give several examples for degree of trust. The degree of trust between patient and doctor varies between 75 and 100%.The degree of trust between pupil and teacher varies between 65 and 100%.The degree of trust between long-years partners varies between 85 and 100 %.The degree of trust between stranger is 0 – 5 %. The degree of trust between stranger, still associated through a third person is equal to the degree of trust between every one of the strangers to the known associating person, reduced by 10 to 35 %. Usefulness of the measurement, control in the management of the degree of trust leads to useful and successful contacts. The degree of trust is already used and tested for its usefulness product – for instance soap powder – it is between 85 and 95 %. Low degree of trust to a product having proved a negative influence on a given system may be restored only with the use of four time mire measures and steps to rise the trust. The degree of trust is important at: sales, product policy, sale policy, price policy, communication policy, in the international business , in every kind of negotiations both in business – negotiations , state negotiations, party negotiations, syndical negotiations, negotiations to gain any electio ns – of a company, parliamentary, municipal and other ones. When the degree of trust falls under a definite critical level, every effort to be made to rise the degree of trust shall not lead to a positive result. 
Norions – critical degree of trust. A free internal for the degree of trust is the interval at which is available a decrease of the degree of trust from a given value inside in this interval, on the basis of a concrete action, thus every four actions to be done with the purpose to rise the degree of trust, may rise this result. Not less than four times of the efforts to be done for rise a given trust, may erase an action which has provoked the degree of trust to a definite level. If the decrease is under a critical level, nothing could restore back the trust. 

The Future – Industry and Society of Degree of trust – The new Paradigma The Integration process in the World Economy requires transformation of the industry to industry of trust, degree of trust, increasing of the degree of trust by the client. Each company that win the trust quickly the trust by the clients that company will win the competition Each company shall create the new competitive area. This can be reached with new competitive behaviour to win the trust by the customer. The degree is the most important in the human relations. Because it is universal quantitative category. The degree of trust is the most important for the relations consumer – product. This is the basic in the behaviour of the consumer in the process of buying the product. The Europa Economic World and the Globalization require transformation of the industry towards industry of the trust, of the degree of trust, of rise of the degree of trust of the customer. Which company gains more quickly and for a longer time the trust of the customer, it gains also the battle in the competition. Every company has to re-create and to create then a new competitive area. This may be realized only with a new competitive behavior to gain the trust of the customer. And since it is an universal qualitative category of this how far in a system the elements act in one direction, under a reasonable content. The degree of trust is the most important also for the interrelation consumerproduct. This is a leading start in the behavior of the consumer towards an eventual purchase of the product.[ 9 ]. The notion “trust” represents already a definite industry – using, creation, increase, management. Thus who manages best the degr*ee of trust, he manages best his business in a long-term plan. For his part he ensures to it the respective local and global priorities. Since the “degree of trust” is a fact for the human beings and it is available in very state globally, the procedures, the ways of management if this trust are the same for the human race. They do not depend on the people’s psychology , on the respective region, country, state , continent. The “Degree of trust” is an universal category, characterizing the human race in its interrelations and in the society. Creating the respective technology to rise the degree of trust to a given product, to retain this trust, to develop this trust by means of creation and to impose new products, mew interrelations, a concrete company has already no problem in acting globally with the same instrument of the company’s policy. Which company imposes this policy, it ensure s for itself long-term priorities towards the competition in global scale. 

Examples of the mafia in Bulgaria at the state level and support This mafia from the European Union and EU Member States - Germany, England, Italy  and other countries 1 /. Inaction of prosecutors and Attorney General Prof. Velchev , Sotir Tsatsarov on unaction of prosecutors refused to initiate criminal proceedings for embezzlement and theft of slot machines and bingo equipment against the judge of the City Court Sofiiski Yordanka Mollova and her brother Hristo Mollov for damages - losses over 15 million euros. 2 /. Omission of gmain Prosecutors Boris Velchev and Sotir Tsatsarov against the judge and by the Sofia City Court and its President Svetlin Mihaylov Georgi Kolev and the judge in the case that has disappeared judgment against the debtor "Kremikovtzi" JSC - secured claim over 14 million lev / € 7,000,000, and practical secured firms and individuals are listed as secured creditors tier and actually lose more than € 7,000,000. 3 /. The inaction of the prosecution and judge Iza apparent theft full factory mafia. Loss of the owner of 47 % of shares for over 35 million euros. 4 /. Inactivity of judges from the Sofia City Court in the management of Svetlin Mihaylov and Georgi Kolev missing lawsuits and caused losses of tens of millions of euros. 5 /. Apparently bias of the judges of the Supreme Court and especially the President of the SCC prof. Lazar Gruev who knowingly has allocated three cases of a company against the Metropolitan Municipality of three of the same judges and the same judge rapporteur. If there a system random selection of judges. 6 /. Evidence of support and a judge of the Supreme Court Kasatsinone chaired by prof. Lazarg Gruev cases companies against state institutions - Sofia Municipality, the Ministry of Transport and others. Lost hundreds of euros. 7 /. There is evidence to support the justices of the Supreme Court chaired by Prof. Lazar Gruev on theft of dozens of former property insurance companies from the former cop Emil Kulev - killed years ago. Support the theft of dozens of properties in the city center of Emil Kulev worth - more than 500 million euros. Judges of the Sofia City Court and the Sofia District Court support this theft in their decisions. 8 /. There is a ruthless default binding directives for the European Commission in cases against insurance companies killed in road transport porizshestviya. Rather than implement EU Directive on compensation of at least € 500,000, the judges of the Sofia City Court and of the Supreme Court awarded compensation only only razmcher of € 25,000, it"s full support to the judges of the Supreme Court and the Sofia Kasatsione city Court of insurance companies. Dobrev and Garibova, 71 9 /. Lawlessness committed by the Council of Ministers 2009 rime minister Stanishev - Chairman of the Party of European Socialists and the decision of the Board of Minister council2010. with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who has had the full support of Chancellor Merkel, which is committed in support area private land - PRIVATE PROPERTY concession for 35 years with the sole purpose to rob. Earth is more than 7,000 acres around Sofia and practical and caused a loss of over € 3 billion. 10 / Failure to Obligations of Ministries in obligations of the state company "Bulgarian Posts" EAD at exorbitant prices. Losses of over € 500 million. 11 /. There is a mob in th judicial system which supports the mafia in Bulgaria. 12 /. There is a mafia in the prosecution of crimes that conceals people from the mafia in Bulgaria and there can not be real justice. 13 /. Although the European Commission has been informed by thousands of signals and evidence from 2007. Mafia in the judiciary, prokuratyara mafia, mafia state, no response from the European Commission and the European Commission supports real mafia in the judiciary. Personally informed Barroso Frattini and dozens of other Vice Presidents. No action - no real implementation of the Treaty on European, Union. 14 /. Although personally Chancellor Merkel and the German government are informed of extortion and death threats to the Bulgarian companies and Bulgarian citizens of German companies and citizens on obviously illegal concessions, no reaction of the German government. 15 /. Although such countries as USA, Germany, England, France, Italy and others are aware of corruption and mafia in Bulgaria THE REPUBLIC, it has no response and action against it. That proves fully support this mafia. Apparently conclusion as mafia in Europe supports the mafia in Bulgaria. 16 /. Use of state institutions - the National Revenue Agency for racketeering and extortion. Prosecution for racketeering and extortion by officials against individuals and their companies especially in the management from 2009 to 2013. 
  CONCLUSIONS The degree of trust can solve many problems of the development of the all the society all over the world. The degree of trust of the citizen societies can be the solution against the mafia, the corruption. The degree of trust can be the solution for the development of the life on our planet in the right direct on. 

REFERENCES Dobrev M (2012). Theory of corruption and thepry of Mafia, Bulukrain- MM.2012 Dobrev M (2012). Theory of degree of trust. Bulukrain-.2012:. Dobrev M (2011). Theory of degree of information. Bulukrain- MM.2011 Dobrev M, Garibova M (2012). How can be laud a real estate with the justice system. Bulukrain-MM.2012 072 Glo. Adv. Res. J. Manage. Bus. Stud. Dobrev M (2013). The prosecutor by the management of Filchev and ass.prof.B.Velchev – unlaw, unactivity, crimes, corruption or mafia ?!?!2013 


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