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07.04.2021 13:59 - ELECTION FRAUD from the MAFIA, Global Masocnic ELITE and its DEEP STATE - Системата за фалшифициране на избори от МАФИЯТА
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Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies ISSN(print): 2644-0490, ISSN(online): 2644-0504 Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 Article DOI: 10.47191/jefms/v4-i3-10, Impact Factor: 6.228 Page No.- 186-212 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 186

  System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020

  Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev1, Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva2 1,2 Scientific Research Institute Dobrev & Halachev JSC
  ABSTRACT: Lord prof PhD PhD Momtchil Dobrev-Halachev developed 2010 “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based principle materialismus since more than 17 century., 2010 “Theory and praxice of the Mafiotismus” and 2001 “Theory of the mafia ”. The 2020 US elections have proven exactly how the falsification scheme, fraud in elections organized by the elite, the oligarchy, the kleptocracy and the mafia in the United States works. This mafia, which aims at the NEW WORLD ORDER and the enslavement of the entire planet and all nations. As president, Trump opposed this mafia, but it tricked him into rigging the election. KEYWORDS: Elections 2020 USA, Mafia, 1. INTRODUCTION In the year 2010 Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev developed the ‘Theory of Mafiotismus’ as a new state niveaou based on private and personal interests of the prime-minister, ministers, government .. Based on this “Theory of Mafiotismus” Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev developed 2010 the “Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based principle materialismus since more than 17 century. In the year 2001 Lord Prof. Momtchil DObrev developed the Theory of the mafia and Theory of corruption. All the both theories has been developed by analyzing the mafia and the corruption all over the world. . In this article we analyze all types of mafipulations and falsifications in one election - types, elements that serve the global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state. In this article we give a brief overview of the tasks, goals of the deep state and the global Masonic mafia-ruled elite. And as an example, the elections in the USA 2020 proved exactly and clearly how the scheme of falsification, fraud of the elections organized by the elite, oligarchy, kleptocracy and mafia in the USA works. This mafia, which aims at the NEW WORLD ORDER and the enslavement of the entire planet and all nations. As president, Trump opposed this mafia, but it tricked him into rigging the election. In this article we analyze and reveal all the falsifications and frauds that took place during the US 2020 elections on November 3, 2020. The falsifications and frauds were committed by the elite, oligarchy, kleptocracy and the US mafia - representatives of the Financial Banking Resource Technology Mafia MATERIALISM. In this article we analyze all types of manipulations and falsifications in one choice - types, elements. President Trump jumped on this elite, the oligarchy, from 2016 to 2020. President Trump thwarted the plans of the oligarchy, in many areas. Apart from the fact that this olgarchy prepared for him both the pandemic, Kovid 19, and the falsification of the 2020 elections. 1.1 Introduce the Problem In reality, for a proper understanding of the causes, grounds for the falsifications and frauds of the 2020 elections in the United States, we need a more thorough analysis of the situation, the falsifications, the methods, the schemes, the organization itself. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 187 2. RESEARCH METHODS Research methods of occurrence of Financially banking resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism and the MAFIOTISMUS, its logic of work, of existence, of management and its execution by activities by their representatives. Research methods of the plan of the Global Masonic mafia elite, oligarchy and plutocracy to govern every country in the world, with the ultimate goal of profit from that country in every way. In reality, this is a process of imposing the NEW HOLOCAUST, GENOCIDE AND DICTATORSHIP OF DIGITAL MAFIOTISM. Analysis of the essence of the global Masonic mafia elite. Structure of this elite. Composition of this elite. Analysis of the deep state, principles, goals, state, organization. Analysis of the electoral process, the elections in each country. Analysis of the system of election fraud. Analysis of the types of election fraud. Analysis of the different variants, possibilities for rigging elections. Analysis of the state structures that support this process. Analysis of the state structures that are used for repression. Analysis of the court and pressure on the court and judges to abdicate the court from the control of the election process. Analysis of the Prosecutor"s Office and pressure on prosecutors to abdicate the prosecution from the control of the election process. 3. PRINCIPLES OF THE GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIA-DRIVEN ELITE AND THE DEEP STATE GOVERNED BY IT - A BRIEF DESCRIPTION, CONCEPT, CONTENT, AND OF THE GLOBAL MASONIC ELITE The global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state ruled by it is a corporate, militarized, functionally defined, mafia group of people who manage and own financial, banking, corporate, IT companies, not elected by the citizen states, which actually govern not only a specific country. , but also a group of countries, on the principles of Mafia and financial banking resource technological mafia Materialism. The global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state ruled by it have corrupted and mafiotized all spheres of society on which the government of one country, of one union - in the case of the European Commission and the European Union, the USA, and other countries ruled by people of deep country. All members of the global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state are Freemasons and belong to different secret societies, no matter which. For years, all secret societies have been occupied from within by the representatives and bearers of the goals and aspirations of the Illuminati for a new world genocide and dictatorship over humanity. For these Masons the oath is to obey the law of the lodge and not to comply with any other laws - those of states, international law, unions and others and to do everything in the name and for the benefit of the lodge, observing only the laws of the lodge, but not to the state concerned, to international law, even to commit crimes, to help members of the lodge when they are in trouble, and to carry out the plan of the lodge. All laws and rules are subject to a vow of ideology and faith in Lucifer and the church of Lucifer / Satan. And the plan is one - to conquer the world, to rule the world by one world government, only by them - the global Masonic mafia elite. Concept - Prof. Momchil Dobrev The global Masonic mafia elite and the DEEP STATE ruled by it is an organization, structure, government, of kleptocracy, and cryptocracy of a group of people from the financial banking, resource, technological, corporate elite of the GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIOTIZER of Mafia and the financial bank resource technological mafia Materialism. AREAS OF GOVERNANCE, CONTROL, OBJECTIVES OF THE GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIOTIZED ELITE AND THE DEEP STATE MANAGED BY IT, THE MAFIA AND MAFIOTISM The global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state can be found in all spheres of public life, in all states, governments. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 188 The spheres of action, goals, tasks, management, control, manifestation of global Yamason mafia elite and the deep state ruled by it and the global Masonic mafia elite through mafia and on the basis of financial banking resource technological mafia Materialism through the mafia are as follows: -1 /. The sphere of state administration. This includes governments, prime ministers, ministers, government departments and institutions, local authorities and others, their control through compromising and other addictions, sexual addictions and other addictions. -2 /. The sphere of politics-. This includes parliament, political parties, trade unions, movements, business and non-profit associations, the degradation of the political elite, their control through compromising, and other addictions, sexual addictions and other addictions. -3 /. Control and management of national security systems, secret services, intelligence services. Control and management of the management and administration of intelligence services, intelligence agencies, internal security departments, space intelligence services, central security services, national security services, intelligence and counterintelligence departments, intelligence departments of the Ministry of Defense, naval intelligence, air services, secret services, secret services 4 /. Control and management of the sphere of military structures, defense structures, defense structures, military-industrial complex 5 /. The sphere of public services - healthcare, education, social assistance, etc. 6 /. The sphere of the private sector, companies, corporations, 7 /. The sphere of the media / radio, television, newspapers, magazines and other media /, their control and management through racketeering, coercion, pressure, sanctions and others. 8 / The sphere of the “civil sector” / civil associations, non-governmental organizations and others / 9 /. Banking and financial sector 10 /. Social networks and information technologies 11 /. The sphere of the judicial system / judges, prosecutors, investigators /, their control through addictions -, bribes, gifts, excursions, knotrol through compromising, and other addictions - seucal, gambling and others. 12 /. The sphere of law enforcement institutions / prosecution, investigation services, police /, their control through addictions, bribes, and others. 13/. Control and management and conquest is the indebtedness of a country through the World Bank, through the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the International Bank for Settlements and other world banks. 14/. Control and management of monopoly companies, controlling and having monopoly influence all over the world through investment companies, owned by the global Masonic mafia elite - BlackRock and other companies. 15/. Directions and management of state treasury intelligence, 16/. The overthrow of regimes through "yellow", "orange" revolutions and the appointment of governments, presidents to serve the interests of the deep state 17/. Provoking occasions for starting and starting wars against countries whose territories with the respective natural resources are of interest to the representatives of the deep state. 18/. Imposition of policy in the respective countries, which are of the economic interests of the deep state and their profit s from it. 19/. Imposition of a policy in the case of NATO for the purpose of threats, wars against third countries from the territories of foreign countries. 20/. Imposing a world government A new world order that will allow them to govern countries, nations, peoples, economies, industries, finances, capital more easily. 21/. Creating conditions, causing chaos through various schemes and occasions - wars, refugee waves, crises - social, social, political, economic, state schemes with the ultimate goal of profits - economic, financial - profit and personal gain. 22/ - Management, control, manipulation, zombieization of the civil society, through non-governmental organizations, their financing / example SOROS /, 23/. Imposing their requirements for military budgets of all countries in order to sell weapons from their companies in the military-industrial complex to countries, countries. 21 /. Control of criminal groups and groups 24/. Control of trade, military, criminal groups, the defense industry, the financial sector, corporate media and counterterrorism. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 189 25/. Managing the military budgets of states, at least more than half goes to military spending and the purchase of equipment and weapons. 26/. Control and management of the military-industrial complex 27/ Control and management of the state money, budgets, of the respective state 28/. Management of many non-governmental national and international structures - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trust Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Committee 300, 29/. Supranational governance of the countries of the planet. 30/. Management of International Institutions - UN, UNICEF, World Health Organization, 31/. Committing crimes against people, individuals, services 32/. Imposing globalization as an ideology 33/. Imposing the ideology and society of lesbianism, gay, bisexual and transgender people - LGBT as a leader at the state level. 34/. Use of compromising control of individuals - politicians and any others on whom depends the state and other decisions responsible for society as a whole. 35/. Create a program, plan, and accomplish the task of destroying Christianity. 36/. Destruction of the family as a basic building block of society. 37/. Targeted organization of migration through refugee waves, crises 38/. Control and management of the electoral process in each state, imposing organization, management of the electoral process through various schemes of falsification and fraud. 39/. Social terrorism of society from a moral, spiritual, economic point of view. 40/. Total control of the population, by monitoring and controlling the permanent address, social activity on Facebook, Twitter, etc., driving licenses, watched or recorded movies, activity on various blogs, viewing or sending photos, detention by the police, subway trips, credit and debit cards, financial information, viewed photos, sent photos, facial recognition by surveillance cameras, sent e-mails, received emails, searching for information on the network, health card, education, train tickets, bus, plane, recorded mobile applications, used applications, traffic, online transactions, test messages sent, and messages 41 /. Terrorist actions through the US and NATO and other military organizations 42 /. Terrorist actions through private formations 43 /. Destruction and collapse of the education system 44 /. killing the national achievements of democracy 45 /. destruction of the social system 46 /. polarization of society 47 /. destruction of national values 48 /. destruction of the national culture 49 /. destruction of rights and freedoms 50 /. destruction of the middle class 51 /. increasing poverty and inequality 52 /. increase begging 53 /. Indebtedness of countries, governments through the IMF, WB, ECB 54 /. Dependence of the media - television, radio, newspapers, magazines, 55 /. Control, management of the drug business since the 18th century by the black aristocracy 56 /. Creating inequalities in society, managing these inequalities, destroying the middle class, with the ultimate goal of enslaving society. 57 /. Creating conditions for control and management of the economies of entire countries with the sole purpose of personal gain. 58 /. Creation of a university elite - a Masonic mafia-based global elite to rule states, and other institutions in favor of the Global Masonic elite. 59 /. Control and management of education in a country in order to blunt, greater control and management of the masses and the younger generation in order to zombie and manage and control at any level - emotional, educational, social and others. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 190 60 /. Creating a system for SOCIAL GENOCITE MAFIOTISMUS 61 /. Control is the management of health care with the ultimate goal of reducing the population of the planet, 62/. Control and management of the system of drug development and dependence of the population on drugs. 63/. Control and management of patents and developments and elimination of scientists who created discoveries that can improve people"s lives. 64/. Control and liquidate scientists, creators of drugs, but new methods of treatment that are cheap and hinder the wealth of the elite. 65/. Control and liquidation of scientists creating systems for zero-point generators and free energy generators. 66/. Control, management, drug production and addiction among the population with the ultimate goal of profit. 67/. Control, creation of GMO products, food, for the purpose of profit and reduction of the population. 68 /. Population control and management through food, lethal medicine, lethal vaccines, psychiatric medicines, deadly food, deadly grain, deadly sweeteners, GMOs, deadly water, air, 69 /. Control and management of the media, conquest of the media, and propaganda only of their goals, ideas, aspirations, plans, disguised under the slogan that care for humanity and the people in it. 70 /. Creating institutions that will govern countries, policies, such as the UN, UNICEF and others 71 /. Control of the special and secret services through their Freemasons to serve their lodges and personal interests, but not the laws of the respective state. 72 /. Establishment of their own structures, in which their members will be members who will later govern and head states - Foreign Relations Council, 1921 and branches - Institute for Pacific Relations - New York, Center for Foreign Policy Studies - Paris, foreign policy - Hamburg, Royal Institute of International Affairs -1920, Bilberberg Group - 1954, Club of Rome - 1968, Trilateral Commission 1973, to determine the international policies of states, to govern states. 73 /. Creation of an Elite by Universities of Global Masonic Mafia Elite - Yale University, Harvard, Columbia, Corel University, New York University, Sarah Lawrence College, Stanford University, University of Chicago, John Brapkins and others, University. 74 /. Control and management of all Masonic lodges - Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, lodge of Gnosticism, Kabbalism, the Illuminati Freemasons through the principles of the Church of Lucifer. 75 /. Control and management of the elite and societies and states through Foundations - Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Clinton Foundation, 76 /. Media management and control, proprietary television - BBC, CBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, CNN and others, telegraph agencies - the Associated Press, Reuters and others, newspapers - New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, Chicago Sun Times, Los Angeles Stays, Houston Post, Minneapolis Star / Tribune and others, magazines. Fortune, Time, Life, Money, People, Newsweek, Business Week, Readers Ridge, US EU News and World Report, and others, dozens of publishers, 77 /. Propaganda and manipulation to reduce critical thinking - - increasing the closedness, depression, dependence, feelings of slavery and dependence on the decisions and actions of the government - - turning one"s back on the real facts and evidence - - dependence on propaganda - - dependence on the promoted fear and stress - - increase in mental illness - - increase in drug abuse - - increase in the number of homeless people - - increase in the unemployed - - increase in malnourished people - - increase in malignant incurable diseases - - increase in theft - - increase in crime - - increase in homicides System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 191 - - increasing the bankruptcies of companies - reducing the duration of 78 /. Control by the global Yamason mafia elite of each state and its management through the control and management of the special services and secret services of the respective state. 79 /. Control by the global Masonic mafia elite of all Masonic and other and all kinds of lodges of Freemasons around the world. 80 /. Control and management of the election, election and appointment of presidents, prime ministers, chancellors in the respective countries from the structures of the deep state. 81 /. Falsification of the elections in order to win the elections of this party, which is under the rule of global Masonic and mafia elite and the deep state. Managing the process of election fraud in countries where the global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state rule. 82 /. The global Masonic mafia elite rules, controls the deep state in every country on the planet. The global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state it rules and its representatives act as a shadow government. The global Masonic mafia flies and the deep state ruled by it does not respect the rights, freedoms, constitutions of the respective state, the treaties for the formation of alliances, such as the European Union. In reality, the Global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state it rules uses the following undemocratic models of government as follows: - Autocracy - Oligarchy - Plutocracy - Kleptocracy - Corporatocracy - Cryptocracy All these systems of government are managed on the basis of the principles of MAFIOTISM and the Financial Bank Resource Technological Mafia Materialism. MAFIOTISMUS and the Financial Bank Resource Technological Mafia Materialized - THE IDEOLOGIES OF THE GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIOTIZED ELITE AND THE DEEP STATE PRINCIPLES OF MAFIOTISMUS and the Financial Banking Technology resurset mafia Materialism -New TYPE OF GOVERNMENT IN PRIVATE AND PERSONAL INTERSTS- ideology of the GLOBAL Masonic mafia Elite And from its managed Deep State e in favor of the Global Masonic mafia elite The differences between fascism and mafia. State capitalism - is a system in which the state replaces private entrepreneurs in their role as factors - capitalists. Under state capitalism, all property and all means of production are concentrated in the hands of one capitalist - the state, which in most cases is governed by the party elite and party nomenklatura. The value added of production is redistributed by the sole capitalist, the state. It is often called either socialist or communist. It is often argued that the countries of the socialist bloc are neither popular nor social, and that the economic system is in fact state capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system in which production and trade are privately owned and managed by market economy methods, which in turn follow the principles of supply and demand. The main engine in such a system and supposedly "competition". Fascism - professes the idea of a one-party state,. Fascism believes that nations and races are in constant conflict, Fascist governments forbid and suppress criticism and opposition to themselves. They are opponents of class conflict. Fascism is a state government similar to that of Mussolini, which elevates the nation and the race above the individual, establishes the one-party system, promotes nationalism, imposes strict economic and social control, applies violence, censorship System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 192 The state is governed by the Prime Minister, if the same state is a parliamentary republic, which has set up and governs each state institution - ministry, state agency, manages both the executive and the judiciary through appointments close to him, and governs the legislature. power - the parliament. The people are a mob according to mafia. Principles of crowd management: suppressing the masses to be guided by petty passions. Creating problems of the "crowd" - the people through taxes, high prices, high interest rates on banking services, management of free funds of middle class citizens, thus through cunning and hypocrisy suppress the greatest human virtues - openness and honesty, which according to mafia are vices, The rule of law - where the law begins, where it ends. Exiled force of law, "liberalized" rights ", The right of the strong, Intervenes and removes all existing regulations and decrees Mafiaism puts its hand on the laws, reorganizes the institutions, what is necessary and useful is only for their goals and aspirations. MAFIOTISMUS and the Financial Bank Resource Technological Mafia Materialismus - THE IDEOLOGIES OF THE DEEP STATE AND THE GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIA-DRIVEN ELITE PRINCIPLES OF MAFIOTISM and the Financial Bank Resource Technological Mafia Materialism - THE NEW TYPE OF PUBLIC GOVERNMENT IN PRIVATE AND PERSONAL INTERESTS - THE IDEOLOGY OF THE DEEP MASS The differences between fascism and mafia. State capitalism - is a system in which the state replaces private entrepreneurs in their role as factors - capitalists. Under state capitalism, all property and all means of production are concentrated in the hands of one capitalist - the state, which in most cases is governed by the party elite and party nomenklatura. The value added of production is redistributed by the sole capitalist, the state. It is often called either socialist or communist. It is often argued that the countries of the socialist bloc are neither popular nor social, and that the economic system is in fact state capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system in which production and trade are privately owned and managed by market economy methods, which in turn follow the principles of supply and demand. The main engine in such a system and supposedly "competition". Fascism - professes the idea of a one-party state,. Fascism believes that nations and races are in constant conflict, Fascist governments forbid and suppress criticism and opposition to themselves. They are opponents of class conflict. Fascism is a state government similar to that of Mussolini, which elevates the nation and the race above the individual, establishes the one-party system, promotes nationalism, imposes strict economic and social control, applies violence, censorship The state is governed by the Prime Minister, if the same state is a parliamentary republic, which has set up and governs each state institution - ministry, state agency, manages both the executive and the judiciary through appointments close to him, and governs the legislature. power - the parliament. The people are a mob according to mafia. Principles of crowd management: suppressing the masses to be guided by petty passions. Creating problems of the "crowd" - the people through taxes, high prices, high interest rates on banking services, management of free funds of middle class citizens, thus through cunning and hypocrisy suppress the greatest human virtues - openness and honesty, which according to mafia are vices, The rule of law - where the law begins, where it ends. Exiled force of law, "liberalized" rights ", The right of the strong, Intervenes and removes all existing regulations and decrees Mafiaism puts its hand on the laws, reorganizes the institutions, what is necessary and useful is only for their goals and aspirations. FORMULA OF THE MAFIOTISMUS System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 193 The most simple model of the mafia which describes the factors which influence about the amount, type, and etc, of the mafia is the following: MAFIOTISMUS = PERSONAL / GROUP / hiden and open/ Power / on the top of the state institutions / state and etc./ + Influence + Connections / to personal, private companies + Interests / personal, private, corporative / + ORDER / ORDERS + Personal Management of all state neveaus + Personal Control of all state niveausMafia structure / inside of or outside / + Monopolity Riegths + laws / rules / practices / procedures + possibility of taking an alternative decision - obligation - responsibilities - morality / ethics + Personal management and personal control of distribution of public state monetary and other resources / including European funds and funds /. 4. ELECTION COUNTERFEIT SYSTEM IN THE COUNTRY CONCERNED SYSTEM AND ELEMENTS OF COUNTERFEITING, ELECTION CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT - TOOLS, before and after elections FROM THE DEEP STATE and the GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIA_DRIVEN ELITE. The typology of electoral fraud conducted as such in Bulgaria, fully supported by the United States, took place at the moment in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, in fact on the states on which the election of the President of the United States depended. The scams were: - Voting of "dead souls" - Voting more than once - Expulsion of election observers during the counting of votes - Replacement of election protocols as documents with other ones with other different data - Falsification of election protocols and entry of other figures - incorrect and different from the real ones - Replacement of ballot bags with other ballots - The election officials from the commission filled in the ballots instead of the voters - Compromising machine voting and counting - Failure to enter the selection from the machine count in the election protocols - Acceptance of bulletins from the post office received after the legal deadline - Receiving ballots from the post office without identifying the voters - The number of deaths and non-living in one city / state exceeds those actually entitled to vote - Voting by persons with ID cards with their photo with data of persons living abroad - Voting by persons with ID cards with their photo with data of persons who have long since died - Voting by persons with ID cards with their photo, but with data of a person living abroad. - Voting by persons with ID cards with their photo, but with data of a person who is abroad - There are more voters by mail than those who have the right to vote. - Abuse of postal voting - Stop counting on election night at the same time before the end of election day. - Manipulation through computer systems for elections collecting election results. - Software manipulation of the vote counting through the counting system - Available software built-in ability to manipulate the results - Access of insiders directly to the machines and its software - Manipulation of the software even during its installation by the internal people of the election commission Programming voting machines to distribute more votes to Biden. Machine programming anywhere in all states. Counterfeit envelopes Minutes in the minutes - uniform numbers of protocols for counting in the middle of the night in order to prepare ballots for Biden Sending observers home due to suspension of the census Prohibition of observers to observe the process of counting the ballots and preparation of election protocols "Voting from the graves" - voting for dead souls, long-dead people System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 194 Voting from nowhere "registered" voters Voting people from one city / state to other cities / states Retrospective ballots - anti-dating - return of the date of receipt Found ballots allegedly sent by mail, but they are not folded and not placed in an envelope. Multiple exceeding of the number of voters of the respective voters registered for voting in the respective town / village. Instantaneous - per second jumps in "votes" for Biden in the software with hundreds of thousands of pieces, and not a single piece for Trump. Vote buying - paying with money or other benefits to voters. Buying votes by granting additional aid and financial incentives to the administration, which is under the control of the mafia. Falsification of ballots. Print more newsletters. Printing fake newsletters. Purchase and payment of electoral votes of entire ethnic groups of the population Purchase and payment of electoral votes on the basis of race, ethnic group, refugees, Creating parties that participate in the elections with the aim - a political fan - of winning the protest vote and dissolving the protest vote against a party that is governed and controlled by the mafia structure. Elements of falsification in the protocols - identical serial numbers, lack of preferences, erroneous results, unaltered data, Organizing all orders, semi-legal orders, secret orders, councils, committees, clubs, corporate capital companies, controlled media, controlled social networks, are choosing the "right candidate" Creating a system, plan, program for compromising the "unwanted candidate" without selecting funds, morality, honor, dignity, morality. Violation of the democratic principles of the state. Controlled corporate vote - Bought here Repression of dissidents through the police Repression through the prosecutor"s office - filing meaningless complaints 4 times a day, calling the ungodly for explanations all day, especially at night, The purchase of votes and the control by the police for compliance with the agreement, in case of non-compliance with the agreement, reactions follow. Repressions through the prosecutor"s office - pre-trial proceedings and prosecutorial inspections against opponents are activated. There are tens of hundreds of signals in the prosecutor"s office against candidates who were never activated before the elections, but before the elections are activated, they are activated and repression follows. The systems of blackmail, of pressure, of extortion are used Repression through the services. The secret services and others provide information through wiretapping and others, and an "enemy" is identified and the procedure is followed - compromising information in "accidentally caught" media. The state revenue agency and the social security system are used for repression and pressure against business in order to use employees as a corporate vote. The State Revenue Agency launches audits, seizures of bail accounts, seizures of assets, seizes bank accounts for non-existent accounts Various services attack business - fire inspections,, labor inspection, food inspection, Repression through ministries - an example of repression through the Ministry of Agriculture of farmers farmers are important and control over them is a key element. Hundreds of thousands of people and families who work for them depend on these farmers. Prior to elections, subsidies are distributed to specific farmers to ensure that those who do not cooperate are subject to control, audit, repression and others. Use of the border police system. Anyone who uses the information of the border police knows where the person concerned is, whether he is abroad or in the country. If he is abroad, his vote will be used as a third party will vote for him, using a fake ID. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 195 Control and management of the content in the protocols, feedback from the mafia. The "disappearing voices" system - a pen with disappearing ink is used. Supporters of a mafia party enter the rooms and replace the pens with fading ink pens. After a while, the pens change to normal. Then again. This is how the process of "disappearance of votes" is managed. In this way, the votes of the opponents disappear. On the contrary, it grows on the mafia party. FORGING PROTOCOLS WITH DISAPPEARING INK PEN Providing funding for buying votes in elections - the black coffers of the ruling party - money received from racketeering, coercion, extortion, corruption schemes, smuggling, draining the budget, corrupt public procurement, draining European funds, draining state and European money through hoops from companies, robbery of state and municipal budgets, Money laundering through - ordering advertising materials - issuing invoices at a higher value, paying advocates not at the real amount, but at a lower value, fictitious contracts with third parties - draining the party subsidy, invoicing fictitious services through fictitious civil contracts, Repression and racketeering of a certain businessman, who must provide the appropriate number of votes, as they personally pay voters. Businessmen are extorted to pay voters, Businessmen are forced to do this by running the machine of repression by police services, state revenue agency, various inspection services, this is different from the controlled vote, here is a forced corporate vote. Buying sociologists, political scientists, public figures, artists, public figures, economists. Buying the above individuals through non-governmental organizations funded by the US state budget, such as the Open Society. Creating protest movements against the "unwanted candidate". , supported by the global Masonic elite, their companies, NGOs and others. Creating movements using differences in skin color, differences in sexuality, differences in religions and beliefs. Creating movements / imaginary / of the citizens for progressive changes in the society / these are imaginary /. Manipulation of the society through statements of ministers of defense, secret services, agencies and others that the "unwanted candidate" is a threat and danger to the national security of the state. Presenting the selection of the "undesirable candidate" as illegitimate and preparing a program plan for its elimination as the impeachment procedure in the United States. Given that the "unwanted candidate" is unmanageable and uncontrollable by the global Masonic mafia elite, mass measures are being prepared for compromising - false and untrue. Given that the "unwanted candidate" is unmanageable, uncontrollable, society is manipulated that if he is elected, he will be killed. Creating a plan program for complete compromising of the “unwanted candidate4” election of the President - Prime Minister, for his compromising and delegitimization. Paying party members not to vote for their candidate. Threats, racketeering, extortion, of party members not to vote for their candidate. Creating a plan to collect compromising information against judges, in which cases with complaints against the election results will be filed. Creating a plan for overt and covert pressure on judges, where cases will be filed with a complaint against the election results and the election process. Buying judges who will file cases with appeals against the election results and the election process. Buying party members so as not to vote for their candidate. Creating parties to win the negative vote and those who disagree with the policy of the "candidate wanted by the mafia", in order for the competing parties not to collect the percentage, which can be threatening. The so-called "political fan". Parties close to the mafia are stealing the negative vote to prevent the opposition from winning the election. Preparation of a plan for discrediting the selected unwanted candidate "during his term, attempts to overthrow him, remove him, steps, compromising and others of constant harassment, coercion, extortion, in order for the" unwanted candidate "to obey, and to come under the control and management of a global Yamason mafia elite. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 196 Controls and management manipulation of propaganda through the media - television, radio, newspapers Control and management of the pre-election process with compromising false and untrue against the "unwanted candidate" through the media - television, radio, newspapers, magazines, owned by the global Masonic mafia elite. Preventing the "unwanted candidate" from presentations, company, disputes and others in the media - television, radio, newspapers, magazines, owned by the global Masonic mafia elite. Creating a plan program for compromising, discrediting, vomiting false and untrue yellow compromising materials against the “unwanted candidate4” in the media, owned by the global Masonic mafia elite. Support for all movements, organizations, NGOs and others bought by the global Masonic mafia elite, or their property, to compromise the "unwanted candidate" in the media, owned by this elite. Publication, presentation of untrue things, moments from the life and activity of the unwanted candidate ”in the media, owned by the global Masonic mafia elite. Control and management of manipulation and propaganda through SOCIAL NETWORKS - Facebook, Twitter and others. Political campaigns through lifestreams. Facebook is an auxiliary wheel in election campaigns. Especially in the context of a coronavirus pandemic, social networks are a powerful weapon and tool for election campaigns. Social networks provide conditions for advertising. But these ads are targeted to consumers according to their age, location and interests. Newsletter numbers and others appear on social networks. Target advertising to a specific problem and its solution. The so-called election problems. For example, in the United States, the problem of weapons, On the other hand, likes do not give an accurate picture of the interests of voters to a particular party. Separately, the likes may be more to one individual than the likes of certain parties combined. In addition, when the likes pass a certain limit, the price of advertising on Facebook is lower. Facebook ads are raised every year. Using organic posts two reach more people. A post usually reaches less than 5% of those who like the page. The use of "friends of friends" targeting - raising the number of people to reach the information. Facebook provides an opportunity to make a policy for the period from election to election, not only before the respective elections. This is a good condition for an endless campaign of the respective political party The goal is constant contact with people. Lifestreams and interactions are on the rise. With constant activity not only during the campaign, when it comes more users more users are hooked on you and increases the possibility of publishing the candidate to go among the "recommended for you". Live shows on Facebook with answers to questions from the candidate to various questions, even provocations. When people share, comment, react, like, the algorithm again recommends publications from this candidate. It is important whether they react and how they react and that they react. Use of digital marketing. Use the huge user database for the election campaign. Those by interests, by interests by location, by age, by interests. ACTIONS of the GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIOTIZED ELITE against the "unwanted candidate" in social networks. Because social networks are owned by OCCUPATION OF MEDIA BY ONE PARTY The system is different for non-parliamentary parties as opposed to those of parliamentary parties. Social networks are used by parties that cannot access television and radio, which are usurped by one or more mafia parties. For non-parliamentary parties, social networks are the only media for advertising and campaigning. There is one drawback to social networks - NO ONE CAN FOLLOW THE FINAL RESULT OF A CAMPAIGN. Likes, shares and views are not necessarily converted into electoral votes System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 197 USE OF THE PROXIMITY OF THE COMPANIES FROM THE SOCIAL NETWORKS WHICH OWNERS AND MANAGERS BELONG TO THE GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIOTIZED ELITE, FOR: - Restriction of a candidate in the respective social network - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram - Non-publication of posts and comments of the respective candidate on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - Prohibition of a candidate from publishing. - Banning a candidate makes comments on Trump on Twitter and Facebook. - Prohibition of a candidate for a certain period of time to make comments, publications and others. - Stimulating the publication of negative and false publications, information, comments, publications, interviews for the candidate who is not wanted by the global Masonic mafia elite. - Supporting the publication of negative and false information about unwanted candidates. - Non-publication of positive achievements of the desired candidate. - Publication of diplomas for the unwanted candidate - Publication of yellow false news, information about the unwanted candidate. - Manipulation of people through false, incorrect publications, information, commentators of the unwanted candidate. - Corporate ban on the unwanted candidate LAUNCH OF COLOR REVOLUTIONS to change governments with a government of loyal people of the global Masonic mafia elite and the deep state Funding protests, clashes with the authorities through non-governmental organizations funded by the US state budget, such as the Soros Open Society. Buying sociologists, political scientists, public figures, artists, public figures, economists FINANCING a party abroad to win certain elections FINANCING a party by an oligarch from the global Masonic mafia elite or from companies of the deep state ABDICATION OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM - THE COURT ABDICATION OF THE PROSECUTOR"S OFFICE 5 /. THE FRAUD AND COUNTERFEITING OF THE US 2020 ELECTIONS in USA organized from the DEEP STATE and its manager – THE GLOBAL MASONIC MAFIA-DRIVEN ELITE The United States has entered a deep political, economic and moral crisis. The foundations of American democracy, which boasted that it is not just a model, not just an example, not just a proof of the most developed and indisputable democracy, have really been undermined. The events around November 3, 2020 became censorship in well-defined media and social networks, there was organic pluralism, in the democratic discussion There are also proven election frauds. Similar election frauds have been committed in Bulgaria since 2013, and the government has learned about these frauds from certain US structures. The United States undermined the name of a great nation that seemed to serve as an example. The United States undermined the name of a nation that boasted of its democracy and set its democracy as an example. The United States promoted its democracy and based on that they IMPORTED DEMOCRACY IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Based on boasting of the best DEMOCRACY, the United States made YELLOW REVOLUTIONS in different countries. AND AT THE SAME TIME, REALLY, THEY DID NOT IMPORT DEMOCRACY, BUT IMPORTED CORRUPTION SCHEMES, IMPORTED FICTIONAL IMITATION OF DEMOCRACY. US ELECTIONS PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF A FICTIONAL IMITATION OF DEMOCRACY The typology of electoral fraud conducted as such in Bulgaria, fully supported by the United States, took place at the moment in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, in fact on the states on which the election of the President of the United States depended. The scams were: System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 198 - Voting of "dead souls" - Voting more than once - Voting without identification - Expulsion of election observers during the counting of votes - The election officials from the commission filled in the ballots per kilogram - Machine voting and counting have been compromised - Acceptance of bulletins from the post office after the legal deadline - Receiving ballots from the post office without identifying the voters - The number of dead and non-living in one state exceeds those actually entitled to vote - There are more voters by mail than those who have the right to vote. - Abuse of postal voting - On election night, counting stopped at the same time in the disputed states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona Nevada, Wisconsin, - And the next moment the numbers who voted for Biden jumped by tens of hundreds of thousands of voters for Biden without a single vote for Donald Trump - Forensic audit of some of the voting machines in Antrim, Michigan, proved the transfer of 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden - Proven software manipulation of the vote count is the registration of votes for Biden in favor of Biden - Available software built-in ability to manipulate the results - Access of insiders directly to the machines and its software - Manipulation of the software even during its installation by the internal people of the election commission -Electoral fraud was organized in all states Programming voting machines to distribute more votes to Biden. -Machine programming anywhere in all states. -Counterfeit envelopes -Stop counting in the middle of the night to prepare ballots for Biden -Sending observers home due to suspension of the census -"Voting from the graves" - voting for dead souls, long-dead people -Voting out of nowhere "registered" Americans -Voting of people from one state to other states -Retrospective ballots - anti-dating - return of the date of receipt - Found ballots allegedly sent by mail, but they are not folded and not placed in an envelope. - Multiple exceedances of the number of Americans registered to vote. - Instantaneous - per second jumps in "votes" for Biden in the software with hundreds of thousands of pieces, and not a single piece for Trump. FOLLOWERS OF BIDEN AND TRUMP on Facebook, TWITTER Biden"s followers in the wind - 20 million. Trump"s followers on Twitter - 88.8 million Biden"s followers on Facebook - 7.78 million Followers of Trump on Facebook - 34.72 million With these data, it is somehow unthinkable to get such election results as they come out The purpose of these scams was to steal Trump"s "red states" and make the vote more widespread. In this way, largescale fraud is covered up. In reality, honesty in the choice was violated. If an election is uncertain, the election is declared discredited. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 199 Election observers were isolated, removed from the opportunity to monitor the actions of election officials in the counting of ballots. Election observers are placed 30 to 50 meters or more from the places where the census takes place In some places, they are invited to leave the polls, even to go home, because they have stopped the counting process. Despite all the evidence, the censorship of social networks Facebook, Twitter and free media overflowed with evidence - recordings, Hundreds of witnesses signed affidavits to notaries describing the violations Georgia The number of dead and non-living in the state who voted in the election exceeds the actual number of eligible voters Those who voted by mail are more than those who have the right to vote. Biden wins Georgia, which is an all-red state ”for Donald Trump with a red governor and a red legislature, which is virtually impossible. Pennsylvania lacks 47 memory cards with more than 50,000 votes. In Pennsylvania, 1.8 million ballots were mailed to voters and 2.5 million ballots were counted. This is a difference of 700,000, a proven fraud. THE MAFIOTISMUS in the state structures - they refuse to check the signatures, This will show whether the ballots sent by mail have been submitted legally. VOTE BY MAIL The problems with voting by mail arose after the authorities sent ballots to everyone on the voter lists, not just to those who explicitly asked because they wanted to vote. Many ballots on which they never voted at all were collected by the Democrats and sent on their behalf voting for the Democratic Party. That is why the signatures need to be verified. Authorities did not allow or allow an audit of all machines regarding machine voting Authorities did not allow an audit of the machines where there was software manipulation in Biden"s favor. Arizona state senate requests to audit these scams were not allowed. There was actually sabotage by the state election commission. This is real resistance Already in the 2005 report of the Center for Electoral Reform "To increase confidence in the electoral process" Baker - Carter point out: - The great dangers of reduced control when voting by mail - Ability to manipulate the machines - Ability to manipulate the census In reality, not only legitimate votes are counted, Election fraud in the United States is the rule rather than the exception, Members of the election commission change ballots, and this was led by specific people Before the election, such people were trained FAKE BALLOTS There are no special security elements in the bulletin - a seal or a watermark. The counterfeiter simply creates his own ballots by running them through a copier. But reverse envelopes are "safer ballots." Because the envelope cannot be copied, so it must be from a real voter. Another scheme - Participants go door-to-door to voters and persuade voters to allow them to take their completed ballots and send them on their behalf as a public service. So they take the sealed envelopes and take them home where they open them on steam, replace the real ballot with a fake one and seal the envelope. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 200 . Then, for greater security, they are scattered in different mailboxes so as not to attract this attention. PARTICIPATION IN POSTMANS If there is a postman who is an opponent of Trump, he can do the following7 "Throw the ballots in the trash if he knows they"re for Trump." - To delay them and restrict them after the end of the election day - In this way, ballots never reach the polling stations VOTE BY MAIL During the mail voting, bilateral supporters collect and count the ballots in the local election commissions, deciding which ballots are valid and which should be discarded due to irregularities. ELDERLY HOMES AND HELPING ELDERLY PEOPLE TO VOTE This is a great opportunity to receive fake ballots and return ballots. In some nursing homes, nurses are hired agents who go from room to room and they fill out the ballot, which is for one candidate, but this is not the candidate who asked to be reported by the elderly person in the nursing home. There are situations when Uzhkim civil servants help foreigners in their homes to fill out the ballot. IN THE POLLING STATIONS EXPULSION OF THE OBSERVERS OF THE OTHER CANDIDATE When they are removed or expelled even from the room and not only 5-10 meters, the observers who represent the other candidate For example, when the ballot is folded at this angle, it is valid for "our" candidate and it is valid or corrected. After mixing these ballots, they are mixed with the others and cannot be distinguished, and thus valid votes become FAKE VOTERS People vote in polling stations where no ID card is required. For example, Pennsylvania is such a state. Another option is to fill in cards with the name and area of that person and give them to a third person to go to the polls to vote. Organized counterfeiters reproduce the signature of the person they are voting for. Newsletters are sent by mail, but people who have long since died. Bulletins are issued a fhora who do not live in this village at all. For example, paradoxes arise when, for example, there are 350 voters in one settlement and there are 670 ballots for that area. VOTE BRIBERY Homeless shelters are one such source of voters who easily get corrupt. FRAUD AT SOFTWARE LEVEL THROUGH THE ELECTION SOFTWARE SYSTEM PROGRAMMING MACHINES TO DISTRIBUTE MORE VOTES for Biden Really ascertained from space. The counting of US elections is done through software systems outside the US. This is done in Frankfurt am Main and Barcelona through Dominion Voting System and SUUTL - a European software company based in Barcelona. It offers purposebased voting systems. World. Until its inception, the system has proved vulnerable to electronic manipulation. George Soros is the head of the Board of Directors of DOMINION. Apart from that, Microsoft co-founder RAUL ALLEN has invested $ 40 million in SCUTL. The main shareholder and holder of most of the shares in SCUTL is the husband of Nancy Pelosi, who is chairman of the US Senate, whose nephew is the governor of California. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 201 On December 2, 2020, DOMINION received $ 400 million from the Chinese government through a Chinese bank in Switzerland. It has been proven that, through this system, the 7 million votes that were for Trump were transferred to Biden. Apart from that, 3 million people who died and were born and lived in the middle of the 18th century voted for Biden, and both ballots and ID cards were printed in China. On election day, November 3, 2020, President Trump sat in the Eisenhower Hall of the White House on a 4-screen screen and watched everything happen. On these screens, each bulletin was tracked thanks to the QUANTUM BLOCKCHANE system. The official ballot for the November 3, 2020 elections was marked with a very complex radioactive isotope watermark that can actually be traced from space. The US government, after determining that this server of the DOMINION participates in the change of votes. After the order, the server was found in Frankfurt. November 9 saw the dismissal of Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and the appointment of Christopher Miller, a former director of the National Counterterrorism Center. On November 7, 2020, CIA Director Gina Hasped was arrested in Frankfurt am Main. On November 4, after the election, the Department of Defense, the 305th Battalion, and the National Security Agency (NSA) recorded evidence of real-time fraud to change votes in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Frankfurt am Main is home to the CIA"s largest overseas cybercenter. It is the largest overseas structure outside the United States. There is a cyber attack against the cyber center. These actions hit the elite, the oligarchy, the mafia, key structures working against the US constitution, as the center ensured the theft of votes from Trump and these votes were transferred to Biden and also falsified. The fact that in five critical states of the United States at the same time the counting of votes was stopped at the same time by someone"s order, shows that the work of election commissions is managed by external forces violating the Constitution. CIA Director Gina Haspel led these falsifications of election results. It has been declared treason. All of these actions point to Obama and Biden. In addition, the director of the US Agency for Cyber and Infrastructure Security CISA Creech Krebs was accused of treason and fired. The military operation in Frankfurt was led by General Richard Clark, who was born and raised in Stuttgart into a military family and who knew Stuttgart, which is 150 km away, very well. Far from Frankfurt. He commanded the operation as commander of the US Special Operations Headquarters in Florida. In Wiesbaden, which is close to Frankfurt, is the command center of the American troops in Europe and uses premises, buildings with an area of 12,000 sq.m. This is a US military intelligence center. This server contains information on who ordered the election commissions to stop counting and who ordered the activation of the software for transferring votes from Trump to Biden. According to General McKinney, President Trump must and must declare a state of emergency in the United States under the 1807 Uprising Act. , which allows the deployment of troops in the United States to suppress lawlessness and initiate the immediate arrest of criminals., participated, organized, conducted, rigged the 2020 elections. This law has been enacted six times in US history. Movements such as "We the people - wi du people insist on this action. This event was not noticed by the media at all / / Iskra Lukanova /. MAFIA ORGANIZATION - MAFIOTISMUS OF US STATE STRUCTURES This whole structure is organized and managed by a trusted member of the candidate, as he organizes training of his agents, controls his agents, contacts with his agents as at the higher level, if someone asks a question, then the lowest level of agents has nothing to do and they have not contacted, they do not know, they do not know the person who is at the higher level. System and Elements, Control and Management of Election Fraud - Tool of Global Masonis Mafia_Driven Elite and its Deep State - Imitation Democracy and Management and Control Respective State and Examples of The US Elections 2020 JEFMS, Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2021 www.ijefm.co.in Page 202 This is the nimble mafia organization, hierarchically organized in several levels, and the upper level is in contact with everyone from the lower level, and on the horizontal level people do not even know each other. This is a precisely structured, mafia organization. The above evidence proves: 1 /. Mafiotismus in the CIA in favor of the group around Biden 2 /. Mafiotismus of Special Forces 3 /. Mafiotismus in the Ministry of Defense and especially at the highest level - Minister 4 /. Mafiotismus in the US Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency 5 /. Mafiotismus of all structures involved in the election process, election commissions and others. 6 /. Mafiotismus in public services such as the post office. 7 /. Mafiotismus in other government services ABDICATION OF STATE STRUCTURES - MAFIOTISMUS AND CORRUPTION PRACTICES Even with this evidence of fraud, there was an abdication of such institutions as FBI, CIA, NSA, Department of Homeland Security. These are all institutions that are run by the elite and are subordinated to the elite, to the mafia These institutions protect only the elite, not the law. ABDICATION AND BLOCKING OF THE JUDICIARY - MAFIOTISMUS OF THE COURT DEPENDENCE OF JUDGES on any The Ministry of Justice"s refusal to comply with US law. The refusal of judges to hear app


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